What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is more than the giving of money in order to meet a church’s budget for the year. Stewardship is a theological statement of belief. It is a way of life based on a belief that we are all the beloved children of God. Therefore, we joyfully give of our time, talent, and treasure in order to participate in God’s Kingdom being lived here and now.
A practice of pledging models the values of our faith and demonstrates our commitment to deepening our relationship with God through active support of God’s ministry through the church. It provides an opportunity to discipline ourselves and educate our children. As a spiritual exercise, pledging allows us to reflect on the gifts God has given so that we all may use those gifts for the purpose of ministry, mission, faith formation, Christian fellowship, and worship of the church.
The practice of Christian stewardship occurs every day and is not limited to just a specific time of year, just like the ministry of this church is an everyday activity and not just limited to Sunday morning. In anticipation of the ministry God is calling us to offer throughout 2020, members of the congregation have shared about the many ministries of this church that go Beyond Sunday Morning and what those ministries have meant to them. James Day’s story is one such example. Hear from him below about why this church means so much to him and how he actively ministers Beyond Sunday Morning.
Beyond Sunday Morning – James Day (video)
Beyond Sunday Morning – James Day (letter)
Learn more about what others had to say about First Presbyterian Church ministering Beyond Sunday Morning here. Special thanks to Gracyn Ashmore who offered her talents by going Beyond Sunday Morning to make this video.
All are invited to discern how God calls you to serve, through the giving of your time, talents and treasures, Beyond Sunday Morning in 2020. Below are copies of this year’s stewardship materials for your consideration. Contact Frances Saralvarez at fsaralvarezfpc@gmail.com with any questions you may have and to let her know your interest in making a pledge to go Beyond Sunday Morning throughout 2020.
Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can help our congregation minister Beyond Sunday Morning as we seek to faithfully share Christ’s love.
If you would like to fill out your 2020 pledge card online, please click here!
Frequently Asked Questions
What does it mean to make a financial pledge?
What does it mean to make a financial pledge?
Making a financial pledge is promising to give a specific dollar amount of your financial resources to FPC Oxford. Pledging and giving are best done after prayerful consideration of what God is calling you to do with your time, talent and treasure.
Why is pledging important?
Why is pledging important?
Pledging is an important spiritual exercise, which allows you to reflect on the gifts God has given you and show your commitment to using those gifts fro the purpose of ministry, mission, faith formation, Christian fellowship, and worship.
It also models the important of our spiritual lives and our commitment to a growing relationship with God and the church, especially to children.
For the church, there is another very practice reason. Each year the various Ministry teams pray for God’s guidance on what the Church should do in the coming year. This year, they also reviewed your input from the Holy Cow Survey. These teams then submitted their plans to the Session which then created a budget.
Has the budget for 2020 been completed? And what is it?
Has the budget for 2020 been completed? And what is it?
In an effort to be responsive to all God is calling FPC to do, the Session approved a preliminary budget of $1.05 million. This is approximately 10% more than 2019 and includes more Children’s education, fellowship opportunities, mission work, adult education and continued excellence in music ministry and support for our Senior Pastor search. And while the budget is a financial document, it is a mere reflection of ways that you can join with others in sharing the time, talent and treasure God has provided to grow in our faith and ministry.
Who should make a financial pledge to the church?
Who should make a financial pledge to the church?
Everyone! As James Day’s letter points out, “one or two people do not make our church. Involved and committed members do.” And while we can never out-give God, when you join with other faithful FPC members and prayerfully consider your commitment to FPC, you are affirming that you long to be good stewards of the abundant gifts God has provided.
How much should I pledge?
How much should I pledge?
There are many ways to decide how much to give. The most important thing is that we give in gratitude, attending to that before all else. This is a biblical practice-dedicating the “first fruits” of our labor right off the top, rather than offering what remains after all other expenses are taken care of.
For many, proportionate giving-giving a set percentage of our income back to God for God’s work-can be very helpful.
If you currently do not pledge but contribute by putting money into the Sunday offering place, you might consider pledging a percentage of that amount this year. If you’ve never tried proportionate giving before, why not start at 2% of your income? If you are already pledging, please consider increasing your pledge 10% for 2020.
In this time of transition, why are we being asked to pledge 10% more?
In this time of transition, why are we being asked to pledge 10% more?
Over the last year, we have seen an amazing increase in the number of FPC members getting involved in the life and ministry of the church. With this renewed energy and commitment, God has opened our eyes to many more ways in which we can come together to learn, worship, grow and reach others Beyond Sunday Morning. Thanks to the generosity of so many, FPC has no debt, has a reserved fund, and with your commitment of time, talent and treasure, we can be responsive to God’s call on our congregation.
Is my pledge confidential & who do I contact for any questions?
Is my pledge confidential & who do I contact for any questions?
Yes. Pledges are entered by the office administrator and reviewed only by the two elders who serve as the financial secretary and treasurer. Please contact Frances at 234-1757 about any questions you may have.
What if I need to change my pledge amount?
What if I need to change my pledge amount?
In order to change a pledge, you simply phone the church office and speak with the office administrator.
What are the different methods for submitting my pledge?
What are the different methods for submitting my pledge?
You may return the pledge card in the stamped pre-addressed envelope, place it in the offering plate or in the locked boxes in the narthex or church office, or you may enter your pledge on the website link.
If my current pledge is set up on bank draft or recurring credit card payment, do I still need to fill out a pledge card?
If my current pledge is set up on bank draft or recurring credit card payment, do I still need to fill out a pledge card?
Yes, please carefully consider what you are called to do in 2020 and complete a new pledge card so we will have an accurate record.
What else am I being asked to consider?
What else am I being asked to consider?
We would like every member to consider how to use their unique gifts and grow in their faith through meaningful involvement at FPC. The pledge card includes the opportunity for you to share your gifts with the various ministry opportunities.