Sunday, September 10, marked the official kick-off of a new year of mission, fellowship, programming, and worship (9:00 & 11:00) here at FPC. All are encouraged to come and take part, to stick around between out worship services for the renewed start of Sunday school programming for all ages (9:45). We have a nursery on sight for our littlest friends in attendance, and a virtual worship option will be available for those on-the-go. An order of worship is shared before service begins to help connect the congregation no matter where they are. Each service is grounded in the Reformed Protestant tradition, meaning our music, prayer and preaching are meant for “the priesthood of all believers,” not just a few. Our congregation comprises God’s people from all walks of life—children, college students, families and retirees, making for a beautiful blending of generations with whom to worship God. All are most welcome to join us. We look forward to worshipping with you here at FPC!

Current Worship Hours
9:00 am & 11:00 am – in-person worship

10:55 am – YouTube Live streamed Worship

Please click here to be directed to YouTube.

Click the link below for this week’s bulletin:


If there is a previous service or bulletin you would like to see, please contact the church office at 662.234.1757.